Learn more about the programs utilized by the Substance Use Prevention Program at Denver Public Schools.
We provide prevention through the use of evidence-based services in the following 4 areas:
Information Dissemination
Provides awareness and knowledge of the nature and extent of substance use, abuse, and addiction and their effects on individuals, families, and communities, as well as knowledge and awareness of available prevention programs and services.
Prevention Education
Involves two-way communication and is distinguished from the information dissemination strategy by the fact that interaction between the educator/ facilitator and the participants is the basis of its activities.
Environmental Strategies
Establishes or changes written and unwritten community standards, codes, and attitudes, thereby influencing incidence and prevalence of substance abuse in the general population.
Problem Identification and Referral to Treatment
Aims at identification of those who have indulged in illegal/age-inappropriate use of tobacco or alcohol and those individuals who have indulged in the first use of illicit drugs in order to assess if their behavior can be reversed through education.